Edith is our small raw bucket bag. She is made of core leather and has one big compartment that closes with a magnet. The long strap can be adjusted in length so she can be carried on the shoulder or crossbody. As a detail, the bottom is reinforced and there is a small discreet logo embossed in the leather. Edith is the perfect match for a casual day, where you might need a bottle of water, sunglasses and all your necessities.
All bags are handmade by skilled specialists in a small family-owned factory in Turkey. We have an exceptionally close relationship with our manufacturer, which we have used since 2006. A relationship that ensures the best quality and that Decadent’s products are created under conditions that we can 100% stand by.
Style nr. 814
Dimensions: W: 21 CM, H: 23 CM, D: 14 CM
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